Diagnosed with a rare malignant melanoma on the bottom of his right foot in July of 2018, Josh, the Wildcats’ defensive standout, faced a year-long battle.
Josh endured three surgeries and a year-long treatment protocol of monthly immunotherapy treatments and missed most of the 2018 season, but he found the strength to return for the final three games in 2018.
Josh, the guy teammates call the “heartbeat of the team” completed his treatments in August of 2019 and is a full-time starter this season. Elected the team captain by his peers, Josh is back to making impact plays for Kentucky.
After his final treatment in August, Josh didn’t allow any video cameras and chose not to ring the bell – a tradition for patients after their final treatment. His reason for trying to stay out of the spotlight at that moment? “I see other people in the waiting room who are much worse than me,” he said. “And I don’t want to make them feel bad.”